A Proven Leader & Business Owner

Get to Know Heather



Heather Cloud, a mother, wife, businesswoman, conservative, currently representing District 28 in the Louisiana State Senate. She was elected by an overwhelming majority of voters in October 2019 and is the first Republican to ever serve in this seat.

Heather has been happily married to Jody Cloud for twenty years and is the proud mother of two sons, Logan (17) and Ethan (13). 

Heather has a Bachelor’s degree in Education, and spent a short time in the classroom before entering the private sector with her husband. Heather and Jody own a transportation company which includes a small fleet of 18-wheelers that specialize in aggregate distributions as well as heavy equipment transportation.  

Before being elected to the Louisiana State Senate, Heather served as the Mayor of Turkey Creek for eight years. 

While in the State Senate, Heather plans to focus on lowering insurance rates by working to reform the legal climate that is hurting small businesses and driving away insurers which hurts competition. Heather also plans to focus on election integrity as this issue is near and dear to her.

She believes the sanctity of every vote must be protected. Lastly, Senator Cloud will focus on protecting the taxpayer dollars and utilize her position as Vice Chair of Finance to make sure our state resources are spent responsibly. 
